REALTOR® Day at City Hall - City of Belton

REALTOR® Day at City Hall - City of Belton
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 (10:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (CDT)
**PLEASE NOTE: If you register for the REALTOR® Day at City Hall - City of Belton Day you are automatically registered for the Membership Luncheon Series - EDC talk with Cynthia Hernandez at noon. You do not need to register for both!**
The purpose of REALTOR® Day at City Hall is to identify and develop potential leaders and to promote awareness of local leadership opportunities across a variety of fields; mainly ones that impact the real estate industry in Bell and Milam County, to include infrastructure, economic development, public works and more.

401 N. Alexander Street
Belton, 76513
Harris Community Center where the Belton Council Chambers are located
Tuesday, October 29th Class runs from 10 am - 12 pm
Lunch is 12 - 1 pm
Lunch registration is part of the class and is provided by the REALTOR®1 Committee - Membership Luncheon Series Guest speaker - Cynthia Hernandez with the Belton EDC