David Jirasek

David Jirasek
Land Sales/Leasing Undeclared Farm And Ranch
Designation: Accredited Land Consultant(ALC), Certified Commercial Investment Member(CCIM).
David was actively engaged as a full time real estate appraiser from 1983 to 1997, in the analysis and mass appraisal of real estate for property taxation, and held a general certified appraisal license from 1994 to 2012. Since 1997, David has provided services as sale, leasing, build and finish to suit, tenant representation, site selection & assemblage, tax deferred exchanges, acquisition/disposition of Commercial, Industrial, Office, Retail. Single & Multi-Family, Commercial & Industrial Development Projects. As well as all types of Land Sales and Investments, including: Farms, Ranches, Transitional / Development and Subdivision Lot Wholesaling. David has assisted in the economic development of multifamily, retail, office, restaurant, industrial and more throughout the State of Texas.
Membership Type
CTXMLS Subscription - Member
Realtor Membership - Designated Realtor